Dave's First Triathlon

TaiDong, Taiwan

with friends Bill, Victor, Tracy, Aaron, and Joshua
We forgot our camera - these pics were taken with a $5 special from 7-11

Here's the "before" picture - it's easy to tell - look closely, we're still smiling

Bill starting off on the bike - he came out of the water leading his age group - and having passed an insane number of people - you don't want to race him in the water - i will always remember this swim and Bill - because he promised the day before that he wouldn't run me over when he caught me (his group started 3 minutes after mine and he finished probably 2-3 minutes ahead of me) - well, sure enough, the dolphin swam right over me - i loved it though - once you get into it, swimming through/over folks is part of the game/fun

Tracy headed out on the bike

Joshua rolling along

Craig, UnKnown, and Victor

My buddies - Commiseration is what makes the tri special

Victor and Mom/Girlfriend?

Aaron, Victor and ?

Transition area - after the tri with Darren and Kaylin helping me bend over to get my stuff (not kidding -hard to bend over with stiff legs)

Kaylin and Daddy

The Gang

More of The Gang

One happy family (because it's time to go eat!)

More of the happy family

Craig and "the hair" - say no more


a tiny kissey poo just after the finish (for some reason no one wanted a hug)

finish area

finish area

few feet before the finish - they rolled out the red carpet for me

the finish line

Aaron - cancer survivor - motivational speaker

Dave headed out on the run

Dave still headed out on the run

Bill headed out on the run

Dave headed out on the bike

Dave getting out of the water

Dave still getting out of the water

Dave in the water

Dave's watch and arm

One of the age groups headed out

One more wave of folks among 1400 participants

Craig, Bill at the start of the swim