{ Download }

The GDSV is all packaged into an easy-to-install Microsoft Installer. Simply download the installer below and run. Follow the installation instructions. If you have any problems or need any further help with the installation process, view the Help for documentation and e-mail contact information. Also, please remember that you must have the Java Virtual Machine installed on your computer in order to run the GDSV.

Download File: The GDSV - April 14, 2005 (View details of version)

NOTE: Currently, only a Windows Installer is available. However, if you are on a *nix system, you can find the ZIP and RAR forms of the GDSV.

Manual Installation:

The GDSV is composed of:

  1. JAR file with all compiled Java byte code
  2. Image folder used by the GDSV
  3. Help file

To perform a manual installation, simply download one of the compressed files below and extract the files/folders. Run the executable JAR file to start the GDSV.

ZIP Version: comming soon
RAR Version:
comming soon

Please see the help section if you have any problems installing and running the GDSV.