{ Frequently Asked Questions }

(1) How do I force the Automatic Updater to run?
(2) I am trying to open my data structure with the GDSV, but it keeps giving me an error.
(3) Can edit my code data structure code in the GDSV?
(4) The GDSV is giving me errors when loading my JAVA file.
(5) How can I change the graphics in the GDSV?
(6) Can I load a new data structure class without restarting the GDSV?
(7) Can I reaload my current data structure without restarting the GDSV?

(1) How do I force the Automatic Updater to run?

You can force the Automatic Updater to run or not run by passing a boolean argument to the GDSV. To do this in Windows, right click on the "Run the GDSV" shortcut on your desktop. Select properties. Click on the "Shortcut" tab and under the "Target" option add true or false or leave it blank. True will always run the Automatic Updater, false will never run, and blank will use the user preferences.

(2) I am trying to open my data structure with the GDSV but it keeps giving me an error.

Check all of the following:

  • Does the data structure implement GenericDataStructureViewable?
  • Does the data structure realize the arrayRepresenationOfDataStructure() method?
  • Have you included the GDSV libraries in your class path?
    • Make sure you have included the GDSV.jar file (found in the GDSV installation folder) to your classpath when compiling.
    • In BlueJ you would do this by selecting Tools -> Preferences -> Libraries Tab -> Add -> and browse for GDSV.jar

If you are getting an error after checking everything above, please e-mail us at gdsv@d3s.net with your problem.

(3) Can I edit my source code in the GDSV?

No. The GDSV does not serve as a coding environment. Thus, the idea is to be coding your data structure using your normal IDE (such as BlueJ or JCreator) and checking your code's correctness with the GDSV.

(4) The GDSV is giving me errors when loading my JAVA file.

You can only load CLASS files. This means that you must compile your Java code before loading it into the GDSV.

(5) How can I change the graphics in the GDSV?

The easiest way to do this is to simply edit the exisiting graphics files. All the graphics used in the GDSV are found in [installation folder]/images/. Three graphics are used to display the buttons (nodes): osx_button_off.jpg, osx_button_over.jpg, osx_button_click.jpg. Change/Edit these graphics in some painting utility (ie. Microsoft Paint) and the next time you run the GDSV the graphics will have changed.

The other method of changing the graphics is to create your own "Graphic Set." To use this method, create three graphics that represent the node when the mouse is not on the node, the mouse is over the node, and the mouse is clicked on the node. Next, pick a name for you Graphic Set ("osx" is the name for the default graphic set). Make sure you images are located in the [installation folder]/image/ folder and have the names: myName_button_off.jpg, myName_button_over.jpg, myName_button_click.jpg. Finally, to have these Graphic Set displayed in the GDSV add the following line of code in the constructor of you data structure class: ViewingNode.loadGraphicSet("myName");

Names are case-sensitive.

(6) Can I load a new data structure class without restarting the GDSV?

Yes. From the menu bar select Class -> Load New Class (SHIFT+L shortcut). Browse your computer for the desired CLASS file and select Open.

(7) Can I reaload my current data structure without restarting the GDSV?

Yes. Let's say you have loaded a version of your data structure into the GDSV. After using the GDSV you have realized that your add() method does not work correctly. Thus, you have gone back to your code and fixed the problem. Now you wish to see if you did indeed fix the problem. How do you get the new version of your file into the GDSV? Simple. In the bottom right column of the GDSV click the button "Reload Data Structure."